Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beach Trip 2010!

Last year David and I took the kids on our first real summer trip. We ended up finding the perfect condo and absolutely loved it there so we decided to make it an annual tradition. With the Deepwater Horizon Oil tragedy we were worried our 2010 summer vacation plans may have been ruined. There were all kinds of differing reports and speculation as to when the oil would reach the Northwest Florida beaches or if it would at all. We decided to take our chances. Luckily, oil did not reach the Emerald Beach area while we were there, but did not long after we left.

Our 2010 Trip!
The drive to Panama City Beach is quite long, 13-15 hours depending on stops, but it's much cheaper than flying and I enjoy the family time we get to spend together. We planned to leave out just after midnight so the kids would sleep the majority of the way. After we made some last minute stops at the store for the few remaining items we needed and then the gas station, it was after 1am before we finally hit the road.

David drove first while the kids and I tried to sleep. I drove after we made it into Louisiana and up until Mobile, AL. I refused to drive through the underwater tunnel in Alabama! Nicholas and I tried to see if we could hold our breath for the length of the tunnel and surprisingly, we both made it! Even with David slowing down towards the end...little rat!

We checked into the condo around 2:30pm, got all settled in, changed and hit the beach! The kids had so much fun that first day! We took tons of pics and got really good use out of the waterproof case we bought for the camera.

That first night, not long after coming in from the beach Nich wasn't feeling well. He had been sick the week before and unfortunately wasn't completely over it before we left for the trip. He was up all night, poor guy. So Tuesday morning David took Hayden to the beach and Nich and I stayed in the condo watching tv and playing on the internet. Thankfully by the evening Nich was feeling a lot better and actually able to keep some food down even though he didn't feel like eating much.

Day 3 was my favorite day of the trip! We decided to take the kids on a dolphin swim cruise. I was looking forward to it, but David was, by far, the most excited out of our bunch! We booked the 2 hour excursion with Adventures by Sea and ended up on a boat with another very nice couple. Our tour guide was great! As we headed out to the gulf our guide told us all about Bay Point, an area where the wealthy of the PCB area live, Treasure ship, St. Andrew's Bay, and of course, the boom platforms for when/if the oil were to come in.

Not long after reaching the gulf we spotted a few dolphins. David and Nich jumped right in, no hesitation. David must have been super excited because he forgot the camera on the boat! I stayed back with Hayden so I took some pictures while they swam around. The other couple wasn't sure they wanted to jump in. I have to admit, it is a mental obstacle you have to overcome. Here we were in their territory, jumping in, just hoping they didn't find us to be a threat. They were all great though! So that group of dolphins left. David and Nich climbed back up and we were off to search for another group. This time Nich and I jumped in. At the beginning of our trip out our tour guide told the adults that we didn't have to wear a life jacket if we didn't want to. So I thought I would be fine, I can tread water, no problem. I WAS WRONG! I jumped off the boat and not 2 seconds later I was asking for a life jacket ;) I didn't realize how much different the ocean would be! The waves were smacking me in the head and here I was already slightly panicked because I was in open water with some huge animal! So he threw me a jacket and I held on to it, fighting it, trying to look for the this time they had all swam away. So I climbed back on the boat. When we found the next group Nich and I jumped back in. I was so excited about seeing the dolphins that I think I screamed the first time I saw one swim beneath me! This time, the husband from the other couple decided he was going in too. I'm not sure what happened leading up to the next turn of events, but I remember turning towards the boat to see him panicked and trying to float on his back. His wife threw him a life jacket, but it landed too far from him and he couldn't reach it. David gave Hayden to his wife and jumped in after him. All I could think was "great, this guy is going to drown my husband!" But my super hero husband swam over, gave him the life jacket and they both climbed back on the boat. Day saved!

There was a lot of jumping off the boat and climbing back in to go find the dolphins again, but I am so glad we were able to give Nich the experience! It's definitely an excursion I recommend taking!

That night we had homemade pizza. The kids made their own personal size pizzas and I made one for David and I. I love moments like these :)

Friday night was our last beach night. We waited until later in the evening to go out so we could enjoy the sunset and take it all in before we had to leave. We found some interesting creatures that night. The baby tiger sharks were up close to the shore again, there were hermit crabs, tiny white crabs and little orange crabs with spongy looking butts! David dove down around 12 feet and found a sea slug...that thing was gross!

The last day there was a sad one. We didn't want to come home and David and I talked several times about wanting to move there. We sadly packed all of our things and left the condo at 11am. On our way out of town we stopped at Pier Park. It's a shopping center just off the beach. There's a ton of stores, restaurants and some carnival rides. The kids and I rode the hot air balloons then we all rode the Ferris Wheel. The kids wanted to ride the fighter planes so they did that then we headed to lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. I can honestly say I don't think I've ever had a more bland burger. Guess if you go there, only go for the wings! After lunch the kids went to the candy store then we headed home.

Our summer trip to Panama City Beach was over. We truly hope the oil spill does not ruin the beaches of Florida and we cannot wait until next summer! We have found the perfect beach location :)