Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Story of Our Crazy West Texas Trip

Ok so you probably already knew the weather was supposed to be less than favorable right?! Well it should've been a sign for us!

Day 1:

We drive out to Fort Davis, get there around 3pm. At 5:15 we decide we're hungry and want to eat dinner before we go out to the observatory. Well I guess we should've thought about that right when we rolled into town...the entire town closes down at 5pm! We found 1 small place that stayed open until 9. We decided to stop there...bad choice! The food was ok, but it was ridiculously expensive. We both had sweet tea, David had a bbq brisket sandwich plate and I had a chicken strips and gravy plate. It came out to over $30!! RIDICULOUS! Anyway, so we get back to the cabin and get ready for the observatory, meanwhile it's getting cloudier and cloudier. When we finally make it there, it's not looking very promising, but about an hour or so later the clouds opened just long enough for us to get a glimpse of Saturn and a few other things.

Day 2:
We show up for our 3 hour horseback trail ride that was supposed to be reserved for the 2 of us. Well 2 of the guides didn't show up for work that day so there was just 1 person there. In comes a family with 2 little girls, ages 8 and 9 or something and the tour guide decides to ask us, in front of them, if it was ok if they came along. I couldn't say no with them standing there so I said it was fine. Now comes time to get on my horse. She put the 2 girls on first then looked at me and said, "You've ridden before right?" I said yeah a little so she puts me on this black horse. After I was already on and all set to go she hands me a whip and says, "He has a mind of his own so don't feel bad about using this" I thought, oh great lady, I said I had ridden before not that I was an expert jockey! I just said ok and waited for David and the girls parents to get their horses. While I'm waiting I took the camera out of this little burlap sack she gave us to hold our stuff and started taking some pictures. I looped the string from my camera around the saddle horn when I was done. About 5 minutes later I realized it was missing. We still hadn't left yet so I was looking around everywhere when I saw it laying on the ground about a foot from the horse! I tried to call the lady to come get it for me before she got on her horse, but she didn't make it over there in time. My horse started disobeying like crazy and stepped right on my camera! Good thing it had rained the night before so the ground was wet. I'm guessing this is what kept it from smashing to pieces. It still works, but there's a hug dent in the front of it and the LCD screen has huge black spots on it from where the inside of the screen cracked. Guess I know what I'm getting for my birthday!

So finally we get going. My horse once again, decides he wants to go left and eat instead of right on the trail ride. I had to use the whip a few times before he finally got the picture. When we got to the bottom of the mountain we were supposed to ride up he decided he didn't want to. Everyone took off with out us so once again, I had to try to make my horse go up this steep trail on my own. We finally got up the mountain and the view was amazing! It was so peaceful and nice, really breezy so it wasn't hot at all. It was supposed to be a walking ride, but I got tired of that and made my horse run quite a few times. That was fun. Especially when he was lagging behind everyone else and we had to catch up.

So we finish our ri
de, which by the way was a little too long for me. My knees were killing me. I thought I'd have a problem with my hips, but I'm thinking the stirrups weren't high enough for me. Anyway, we decided to go back to the cabin for lunch before we go tour the observatory. When we went the night before we only got to do the star party thing. They also have this thing where you can tour the huge telescopes they use for research, but they only do it twice a day and we had missed it. So we went back ate lunch and decided to take a little nap. We slept right through the time for the tour. It was so freaking boring there! There was no tv in the cabin, no internet, no nothing!!! The town closes down at 5pm and here we are 4:30pm with nothing to do and the sky is looking even cloudier than the day before so we weren't gonna be able to use David's telescope that night either. We decided at 8:30pm we didnt want to stay there anymore so we packed up and headed home. Keep in mind, home is 8 hours away!

We get everything loaded in the car and head out. It starts to get even uglier outside so we think we've made the right forward to 3 hours later....David sets his cruise to 90. It's around 12:30am and we're in Junction. Speed limit there during the day is 80, at night, 65. I'm sleeping in the car and I hear David yell SHIT! and I feel the brakes...I knew we were getting pulled over. David asks me if I think he should exit and try to lose him. We're in the middle of nowhere, it's pitch black, GPS isn't working, there are no "side roads" only exits...the obvious answer is NO! So David exits and the cop pulls up behind us. Jerk starts shining his flashlight right into David's side mirror which blinds me! Of course he gets a ticket, 88 in a 65. We head on our merry way, but the damn road we exited off of doesn't go back to I-10...instead it curves off to the right. So we turn around and have to go back about 5 miles before we can finally get back on the highway. So much for going 90 all the way. Whatever time we were making was screwed by this point. I go back to sleep and wake up to David swerving the car off to the right, honking the horn and once again, screaming SH*T, F***ER, YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE! I wake up to someone heading straight for us going down the wrong side of the highway!!! David swerves out of the right hand lane (on a 2 lane highway) and the idiot starts swerving towards us! Scariest thing I've ever seen! If he would've hit us, we would've been dead for sure! I'm not sure if he ever got pulled over, but I sure hope so! I hope he didn't kill anyone before hand! David says it was only 15 miles or so from where we were pulled over so I hope that cop was still there.

I told David that from now on we're staying put for as long as we have reservations! No more leaving somewhere early! Now we have a $300 ticket and lucky to still be alive!

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