Monday, December 21, 2009

On a Mission to Live a Dream!

For years I have wanted to see Brett Favre play. I've watched him since I was a little girl in a testosterone-filled house and fell head over heels for this guy and his love for the game. When he retired for the second time last season I thought the chance had passed me by once more. I kept saying I would save the money to go, but never did. When he decided to come back to play, (for Minnesota!) I knew it was now or never! So, I made cakes on the side and in October I had finally saved enough to pay almost $500 for two front row seats not knowing who I could con into going with me or if it would even be a good game. That didn't matter. I would go alone if I had to! I was determined :) I asked Chris to go, knowing he was also a fan of Favre and of course he said yes. Perfect for a little brother/sister bonding time.

Day 1
We had an early flight out of Dallas on Saturday the 12th. I could hardly sleep Friday night. I was so excited and couldn't wait to finally be there! Our flights there weren't bad, no layovers or delays and only 2 stops. When we finally got to Minnesota I couldn't believe how cold it was! I had been keeping an eye on the weather for a week or so before the trip so I knew it would be cold, but had no idea how I would feel about it. When we walked out of the airport we had an initial cold shock, but after 30 seconds or so we realized it really wasn't that bad. It was cold yes, but tolerable. The day we arrived it was around 20 degrees with very little windchill. I remember thinking, if it stays like this it won't be too bad. We got our free shuttle to the hotel, which was fairly new and really nice for the price. I'd definitely stay there again. After we got all settled in we took the shuttle to Mall of America. It didn't look too big from the outside, but it was HUGE! I couldn't believe all the stuff they fit in there! A little amusement park, if you will. There was a roller coaster, a huge Lego store/exhibit, an aquarium, tons of shops and over 20 restaurants! Speaking of food....I had the best bbq I'd ever tasted there. It was a place called Famous Dave's. Scrum-deli-uptious! Too bad there's not one anywhere around here. After we ate I shopped around until I found my Favre jersey and Chris found a shirt. We were ready to head back to the hotel...we had been in the mall for over 4 hours at this point. I didn't get to go into the aquarium like I had planned, but that's ok. I'm not too bummed about it.

Day 2
December 13th....It's finally here!! I finally get to see him play and I don't think it's really set in that I'm going to have front row seats!! We got a cab to take us there since the Light Rail would've taken over 45 minutes, about 20 minutes longer than a cab and we wouldn't have to walk anywhere. It was pretty pricey though, $35! We got to the stadium around 10:45am and it wasn't too cold. Chris was walking around in a long sleeve shirt and carrying his jacket. Ok so now is when reality is starting to set in! I had been giggly for the past 2 days, something I do when I'm super excited. Now, I wasn't giggly...just in awe I think! We walked to our seats and saw just how close we would be to all the action. I was floored! We had great seats and an awesome view of the entire field even though we were between the 5yard and goal lines. The only thing that disappointed me was the press area directly in front of our seats. I wanted the chance to possibly get a football, but because of that section, it was out of the question. I had a wonderful time nonetheless! Definitely an experience worth taking and I'd do it all over again!

When the game was over we hung around for a bit and tried to get the security guards to let us down on the field for a quick picture, but they weren't having it :( Oh well, we were able to get some good action shots so I was satisfied. We walked outside and quickly realized we'd need more than a long sleeve shirt to keep us warm now!! I glanced at a sign and read that it was 13 degrees, not including the wind chill!! It was fairly breezy too so I'm sure it was close to 0! We had a hard time trying to find a cab. There were nearly 64,000 people there and I'm certain most of them were trying to do the same. We ended up walking the equivalent of about 4 blocks before finally finding a cab. When we got back to the hotel we met up with one of Chris' friends and went to dinner. Let me tell you....mexican food in the north is TERRIBLE!! We went to Don Pablo's since it was right across the highway and within walking distance. Chris and I were both craving can you mess up chicken fajitas?! Well let me give you a little description....the fajita meat was thin as a pancake and looked like it had been sliced off a chicken breast with one of those meat slicers the deli uses for meat in your local grocery store, was a little too "char grilled" and very dry. The guacamole tasted like it was mixed with celery and the refried beans were just weird! So we paid for our food and headed out back across the parking lot to our hotel. On the way out of the restaurant I saw a snow shovel...never used one before so I decided why not...we took it out of the restaurant and got a snapshot of me being silly with a snow shovel while people in the restaurant window looked at me like I was crazy!

It hadn't snowed while we were there up until this point. It was almost midnight and I was just about to get ready for bed when I looked outside and saw that it had started to snow. Being from Texas, you know, we don't get to see that very often. Chris jokingly said, "Let's go out and play around in it". I said ok, he looked at me like I was insane and we got dressed! I had so much fun out there! The snow wouldn't stick together so we couldn't make a snowman, but managed a snow "creature". We found someone's lost ear warmers under a car and put them on his head. He was quite an abomination, but very fun! We ran around out there for 30 minutes or so before we decided to go back inside. My hands were freezing and we were covered in snow! We were the only one's outside...the entire street was dead! When we went inside we checked the was - 6 out there!! We are officially crazy!

Day 3
Our trip back home was not an easy one. The first leg of our flight was to Chicago where we had to connect to St. Louis. The Chicago airport was having massive delays because of bad weather and limited sight on the runways. Planes weren't able to take off or land. This pushed our flight back a little more than an hour. Luckily our connecting flight was also pushed back so we didn't have any problems on that leg. Travel time that was supposed to be just under 5 hours turned into nearly 9! We were supposed to land in Dallas at 4:15pm, but didn't get there until after 7. I still had to drive home and was not looking forward to it. Surprisingly enough the drive back home wasn't too bad. I was able to stay awake on my own and didn't need any help from my friend, caffeine. I got back around 11pm and was very happy to see David! I had missed him and the kids something terrible!

Chris and I have decided to try to make this a yearly thing. We plan on getting as many people together as we can and have a friendly NFL vacation. Our next stop...Lambeau in December!


  1. what an amazing story Ash! Maybe we'll be a couple to join you on the nfl games - only vikings, or cowboys i guess! :)

  2. I would love for you guys to join us! Would be a blast :) I'll keep you posted on our plans! ...and we're up for almost any game. I'm super excited about the Green Bay trip and I still have a year to go, hehe

  3. i didn't know you had a blog!! FUN! What a texas girls and our football! My friends from the northwest and even from here in florida laugh about how into football i am...they just don't know what they are missing out on!! Glad you were able to go and have a good time!

  4. Hey Aubrey~I actually just set it up a couple days ago. I've wanted to for a while, but never took the time. Glad I finally got around to it.
    Yes, I have a friend from up north and she laughs at how into football us Texans are. She knows not to call on Monday nights, Sundays, some Thursdays and Saturdays. We laugh about it all the time.

  5. I like the page Ash...why didnt you start it all off with the Jerk in the Airport then the little retards sitting next to us at the game trying to talk smack...thats ok though i guess everyone doesnt need to know about the downers hahahaha
